How to Define Your Target Market (and why it’s important!)

Defining your target market is super important – if you don’t know who you’re going to be trying to reach then how can you tailor your marketing accordingly? Making sure you know exactly who your ideal customer is can really transform your marketing and branding, because you’re reaching out to the right people at the right time in the right way!

When I first embark on a branding project with a client, I always ask them to have their ideal customer in mind when making important decisions. Some fantastic questions for defining your target market are:

This can be anything from their age, their gender, where they live, their income, whether they have children… be as specific as possible! In fact, I know a couple of my clients who’ve actually NAMED their ideal customer – which I think is a pretty cool idea!

This covers everything from their likes/dislikes, their values and their interests. For example, an organic skincare company might want to target people interested in healthy living, yoga and someone who dislikes nasty chemicals in their products.

How does your ideal customer consume media? Media being everything from social media to magazines… the list is endless. How do they prefer to shop, for example? Online or on the high street or at independent shops? It’s so important to know where your ideal customer will be when you’re talking to them in any media.

If you need any help trying to figure out who you’re trying to reach, then sign up for some brand coaching with me; it’s the perfect way to get you on the right track.